I am not very computer savoy, so I had plenty of difficulty creating this blog. I had trouble in just learning how to navigate this Blogger website. However, after I got through that complication, it was easy enough to find how to add a picture and a bio about myself. Then when it can time to add a gadget, I had problems again. I have a Droid phone and have a few gadgets on it, so I have heard of them before. However, it is a completely different experience trying to find them on the Internet. After a little of help from a friend I found a neat clock gadget that I put on my blog site.
My advice to others creating a blog for the first time would be to just have patience, and learn how to navigate the website. Have fun with the process. After I got over my beginning frustrations, it was quite pleasant to finish creating my masterpiece. It is nice to know that in the future, when I am a professional teacher, I will be able to create a personal blog to record my experiences.
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